Friday, August 22, 2008

Yuletide Remembrance

I: Nadir

She came at midnight,
In the winter of my bleakest days,
On my weakest day.
Leaving behind a certain smile
That widened with the sun,
As it arced across the sky.

That motherless child danced me across the night.

II: Ascent

She knew what I did not,
and it turned my stomach sour
with butterflies of lead
Set free within this plot,
As the minutes became hours,
to rise up to my head.

III. Apex

And then she lit the candles,
sweet ecstasy in storm;
Arched back reflects in shadow
the beauty of her form.
And the colors of her halo,
they glistened in the light.
Imaginings of love
pervade the darkest night.

What leads to such a perfect moment
bathed in pagan bliss?
So much has changed, but yet remains,
from one enchanted kiss.

1995, 2008


mommydawg said...

i love this.

Alien Alda said...

Thanks so much, it's one of my favorites.